Purelife Overig

Bijenpollen Entolase® 90 Caps

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The best quality available!

Il polline d'api è un puro prodotto delle api. Il polline delle piante è una sostanza che viene raccolto dalle api e le nasse sono cariche. Per migliaia di anni è noto che il valore nutritivo per gli umani è estremamente elevato. Il corpo umano contiene 22 elementi di base, tra cui: gli enzimi, aminoacidi e vitamine. Questi componenti devono essere sostituiti da mangiare cibo.

In connessione con la nuova legge, entrata in vigore 14 Dicembre, 2012 dovrebbe essere. Cambiato la descrizione del prodotto di questo prodotto Non possiamo purtroppo dire tutto di questo bel prodotto e stiamo lavorando su un nuovo fondamento di fare voi le informazioni necessarie per fornire.
La qualità di questo prodotto non è cambiato!

Ingredients: flower pollen 500 mg and fillers: magnesium stearate 5 mg. and silicon dioxide 5 mg

Plastic jar with sealed lid

Start with half a capsule a day and build up to a dose where you are comfortable with. The capsule can be opened. For children up to half a capsule in the morning. 


Allergen free


Co Enzym Q10 60 Caps

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It also contains Vitamin E.

In verband met de nieuwe wetgeving die 14 december 2012 is ingegaan dient de productomschrijving van dit product aangepast te worden. Wij mogen helaas niet alles meer vertellen over dit mooie product en zijn bezig met een nieuwe onderbouwing om u toch van de nodige informatie te voorzien.
De kwaliteit van dit product is niet veranderd!

vulstof (Mcc en colloidaal siliciumdioxide) 101 mg, co-enzym Q10 100 mg,en tocoferol-succinaat d-a– ( vitamine E adh 100%) 12 mg ).

Plastic pot met verzegeld deksel

1 maal daags 1 capsule voor of tijdens de maaltijd met water innemen voor 16.00 uur.


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Allergeen vrij.


Pau d'Arco Plus 60 Caps

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The origin of the pau d'arco tree is located in Brazil. Yet this tree thrives not only in the tropical rainforest, but also feels at home in the cool of the main mountain. Pau d'arco comes from the thin inner bark of the tree. The family of Bignoniaceae, which the pau d'arco belongs, consists of about 100 different species. In North America, some varieties are also grown as an ornamental shrub. The use of Pau d'Arco as a natural product is known for over 1000 years.

Studies have shown that the pau d'arco tree many active
contains lapachol. This material is well absorbed by the body and easily spread to the body cells, except for the brain cells. Pau d'arco stimulates the natural immune system of the body. It is a very valuable natural resource, which promotes the metabolism and blood purifying. However, these are just a few examples of applications of Pau d'Arco. This natural product is ao stomach-protective, good for the prostate, beneficial for blood pressure and improves the condition of the gums.

In connection with the new law that took effect December 14, 2012 should be. Changed the product description of this product We can unfortunately not tell you everything about this beautiful product and are working on a new foundation to do you the necessary information to provide.
The quality of this product has not changed!

pau d'arco 500 mg (= 73% of total content) and auxiliary (Mcc, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate) 540 mg.

Plastic jar with sealed lid

Daily 1 capsule with water three times. If required, the dose may be increased to 3 x 2 capsules daily.

Scientific information

Allergen free


Propolis Aqua 100 ml

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La migliore qualità disponibile!

Propolis Polyphenol Aqua è un integratore alimentare.

È un estratto di propoli standardizzato non alcolico speciale con Propolis Greit® 120. Contiene un estratto altamente concentrato basato su almeno 12 mg / ml di polifenoli attivi (HPLC-MS). Questa propoli è standardizzata e ciò significa che ha SEMPRE questa qualità altamente concentrata, è esente da stressanti antibiotici e soddisfa gli standard di, tra le altre cose, pak's.

Propolis Polygenol Aqua è a base d'acqua, quindi può essere assunto dai bambini.

Le api raccolgono, tra gli altri, pioppi, salici e abeti rossi e pepite di resina. Questa resina viene trasformata in propoli dalle api. Coprono l'interno del loro armadio, del cesto o della cavità dell'albero e chiuderanno gli spazi vuoti e i buchi. Questo è il motivo per cui propoli è anche chiamato kithars. È la sostanza più importante nell'alveare per quanto riguarda l'igiene.


Le api coprono il foro volante con esso, al fine di proteggere l'alveare. L'elenco delle sostanze trovate nella propoli è lungo e sta diventando più lungo, perché la ricerca è ancora in pieno svolgimento. Consiste tra il 10% e il 70% di resina, il 14% - 40% di cera, il 2% - il 10% di vari oli e il 3% - il 25% di sostanze insolubili. Le sostanze che sono state trovate includono flavoni, vitamina E, varie vitamine del complesso B, acidi grassi, un numero di oligoelementi, oli essenziali ed enzimi. Le forme liquide sono utilizzate per scopi interni ed esterni. Propolis Aqua è a base d'acqua, che è l'ideale per i bambini piccoli. La tintura di propoli è a base di alcool.

Nella scheda "Informazioni aggiuntive" è possibile trovare eventuali allergeni presenti e consigli per l'uso.


In relazione alla nuova legislazione entrata in vigore il 14 dicembre 2012, la descrizione del prodotto di questo prodotto è stata adeguata. Purtroppo non possiamo dirti tutto di questo bellissimo prodotto. Puoi richiedere ulteriori informazioni su questo prodotto inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail. Quando accedi al sito con il tuo nome utente e password, troverai anche maggiori informazioni.
Il prodotto in sé non è adattato, ha ancora la stessa alta qualità.

Questo è un supplemento dietetico. Ingredienti: contiene propoli concentrato 1:10 (10 ml di estratto su 100 ml di prodotto finito) secondo il metodo brevettato. propoli
Greit® 120, conservante (metilossibenzoato di sodio), riempitivo (acqua purificata e colorante (caramello).


Bottiglia di plastica con tappo a vite sigillato e contagocce.
Consigli per l'uso e la conservazione
Da 3 a 6 volte al giorno assumere da 10 a 20 gocce con poca acqua. Mantieni il buio a temperatura ambiente.
Non superare la dose giornaliera raccomandata.
Tenere lontano dalla portata dei bambini piccoli. Questo prodotto non può essere utilizzato come sostituto di alimenti vari.

Caratteristiche speciali
Per motivi di sicurezza, non può essere usato durante la gravidanza e l'allattamento. Se non l'hai mai usato prima, dovresti essere cauto, perché può scatenare una reazione allergica. Evitare questo prodotto se si è allergici alle api e / o ai prodotti delle api.
Allergene libero.

Propolis Polyfynol Zuigtablet Citroen 60 tab

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Propolis Polyphenol Lozenge Lemon is a dietary supplement.

The dimensions of the lozenge are pleasant and well suited to the intended use.

It has a soft sweet lemon flavor.

Provides natural resistance

Soothing for the throat

Excellent for children

What is Propolis Polyphenol Lemon Lozenge?

Propolis, the bee product obtained from resin to which enzymes have been added by the bees, also contains many polyphenols.

Polyphenols are part of a group of natural substances that we encounter in food and plants.

Polyphenols are divided into three subgroups: tannins, lignins and flavonoids.

What is Propolis Polyphenol Lemon Lozenge needed for?

Propolis Polyphenol Lozenge Lemon has several beneficial properties, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation.

Polyphenols are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering “bad” cholesterol in the body. They therefore have potentially important health benefits and are therefore an interesting subject of research.


It contains a highly concentrated extract based on 12% active polyphenols such as galangin (a propolis concentrate extracted according to a patented method).

The Vitamin C present also ensures good resistance, it has a positive influence on the immune system and it supports the body's defenses.

It also contains a natural standardized rice concentrate (broken rice flower) and a natural standardized rice starch as fillers.

This is a dietary supplement. Ingredients per recommended daily dose (=2 tablets): Contains 100 mg Propolis ESIT12® highly concentrated extract with an efficacy of 500 mg. Ingredients: natural sweeteners (mannitol and starch) 606, 40 mg, Propolis ESIT12® 100 mg, vitamin C (as L-ascorbic acid) 39.6 mg (RI 49%), fillers (stearic acid 20 mg, rice concentrate broken rice flower 10 mg and rice starch 8 mg), humectant (crosscarmellose sodium) 12 mg, flavor enhancer (lemon aroma powder) 4 mg.

Packaged in special, waterproof, airtight, UV-resistant stand-up pouch.

Use and storage advice
Take 1 tablet twice a day before a meal, possibly with some water. Can also be used as a lozenge as needed.

Propolis Polyphenol Lozenge Lemon can also be used as a chewable tablet.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Keep out of the reach of young children.

A healthy lifestyle is important, as is a varied, balanced diet, for which nutritional supplements are no substitute.

This dietary supplement contains sweeteners.

Excessive use may have a laxative effect.

Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this may provoke an allergic reaction.

Avoid this product if you are allergic to bees and/or bee products.

This product is allergen-free

Propolis Forte 60 Caps

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The best quality available!

Bees collect include poplars, willows and pines brown nuggets red resin. This resin is processed by the bees to propolis. They cover it inside their closet, basket or tree cavity and seal them there the cracks and holes with it. This is the reason why propolis also called kithars is. It is the main agent in the hive with regard to hygiene. Cover the entrance hole with the bees there to protect. As the basket The list of substances found in propolis is long and is getting longer, because research is still in full swing. It is comprised of between 10% and 70% of resin, 14% - 40% of wax, 2% - 10% from a variety of oils and 3% - 25% insoluble substances. Substances found, include flavones, vitamin E, several B vitamins complex, fatty acids, some trace elements, essential oils and enzymes. This product is also good for use in children.

In connection with the new law that took effect December 14, 2012 should be. Changed the product description of this product We can unfortunately not tell you everything about this beautiful product and are working on a new foundation to do you the necessary information to provide.
The quality of this product has not changed!

propolis 500 mg (= 83% of the total contents), gelatin (capsule)
microkristalijne cellulose (filler), magnesium stearate
and colloidal silicon dioxide (anti-caking agents).

Plastic jar with sealed lid

Daily 1 to 2 capsules 3 times during the meal with water.


Scientific information

Allergen free


Propolis Keelelier 250 ml

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Propolis Polyphenol Keelelixer - renewed!

Bijen verzamelen van o.a. populieren, wilgen en dennenbomen bruinrode klompjes hars. Deze hars wordt door de bijen bewerkt tot propolis. Ze bedekken daar de binnenkant van hun kast, korf of boomholte mee en dichten daar ook de kieren en gaten mee. Dit is de reden waarom propolis ook wel kithars genoemd wordt. Het is het belangrijkste middel in de bijenkast met betrekking tot de hygiëne. De bijen bedekken er het vlieggat mee, om zo de korf te beschermen. De lijst van stoffen die in propolis worden gevonden is lang en wordt steeds langer, omdat onderzoek nog in volle gang is. Het bestaat voor tussen de 10% en 70% uit hars, 14% - 40% uit was, 2% - 10% uit diverse oliën en 3% - 25% onoplosbare stoffen. Stoffen die gevonden zijn, zijn o.a. flavonen, vitamine E, diverse vitaminen uit de B complex, vetzuren, een aantal sporenelementen, etherische oliën en enzymen. Een steeds meer gewaardeerd middel op basis van propolis. Het kan door bijna iedereen gebruikt worden en is vooral aan te bevelen bij kinderen, omdat het een bijzonder aangename smaak heeft. Propolis Keelelixer kan gebruikt worden als gorgeldrank.

In verband met de nieuwe wetgeving die 14 december 2012 is ingegaan dient de productomschrijving van dit product aangepast te worden. Wij mogen helaas niet alles meer vertellen over dit mooie product en zijn bezig met een nieuwe onderbouwing om u toch van de nodige informatie te voorzien.
De kwaliteit van dit product is niet veranderd!

suikersiroop op basis van sacharose met 2,5% propolis tinctuur aangevuld met tincturen van zoethoutwortel (Liquiritiae radix), alantwortel (Helenii radix), zoethoutwortelextract (Liquiritiae succus) en menthol. Hulpstoffen: E 219, E 200, E 300 en E330. Vrij van toegevoegde kleurstoffen en aroma's.

Plastic flacon met verzegelde draaidop

3 tot 8 maal daags een eetlepel.

Bevat zoethoutwortel. Mensen met hoge bloeddruk dienen overmatig gebruik te mijden.

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IJzer Ultra Caps 60 pcs

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UltraFer® is a true innovation in the field of iron supplementation.


suikersiroop op basis van sacharose met 2,5% propolis tinctuur aangevuld met tincturen van zoethoutwortel (Liquiritiae radix), alantwortel (Helenii radix), zoethoutwortelextract (Liquiritiae succus) en menthol. Hulpstoffen: E 219, E 200, E 300 en E330. Vrij van toegevoegde kleurstoffen en aroma's.

Plastic flacon met verzegelde draaidop

3 tot 8 maal daags een eetlepel.

Bevat zoethoutwortel. Mensen met hoge bloeddruk dienen overmatig gebruik te mijden.

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