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Bijen Pollen 500 60 Caps

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The best quality available!

Bee pollen Entolase® with extra Vitamin B12 is a food supplement.
It consists of a standardized and concentrated bee pollen powder. This means that it ALWAYS has the same high quality, does not contain antibiotics and meets all norms of, among other things, pak's. It also contains a natural calcium carbonate and as a filler a naturally standardized rice concentrate NU-flow®.


It also contains Vitamin B12, which supports the energy level,
has a positive influence on the immune system,
creates spiritual energy,
contributes to extra energy in fatigue and fatigue,
helps in the production of red blood cells,
contributes to the process of cell renewal,
has a role in production and degradation of homocysteine,
also ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system

It is the pollen of plants that is collected by bees and taken to the hives. During their visit to flowers, the bees collect pollen and nectar. Pollen (dust from the male anthers) serves as food for the young larvae. It contains proteins, sugars, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The pollen that stays in the chest hairs of the bee is combed backwards, so that two rounds form around the hind legs.
(These globules have a very resistant outer shell, reducing the absorption of the human organism.) The unique feature of the Entolase® powder is that it transforms raw pollen by cleaning non-assimilable compounds and unpacking them in a powder where the efficacy is standardized. , more concentrated and workable). The bees take this in a special basket on the hind legs. Back in the hive, these globules are stored in the comb cells around the brood (the still unborn bees). The bees visit many flowers and the pollen grains are transferred from one plant to another. In this way, pollination also takes place.


Under the tab 'Additional info' you can find any allergens and use advice.

In connection with the new legislation that came into effect on December 14, 2012, the product description of this product has been adjusted. We unfortunately can not tell you everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by filling in your e-mail address. When you log into the site with your username and password, you will also find more information.
The product itself is not adapted, it still has the same high quality.

This is a dietary supplement.Ingredients per recommended daily dose (= 1 capsule): Bavat 250 mg Entolase® powder high concentrated quality with an efficacy of
 500 mg, Calcium 34.3 mg (adh 4%) filler (Nu-Flow® rice concentrate) 40 mg and Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin 0.1%) 2.5 μg (adh 100%).

Plastic jar with sealed lid.

Use and storage advice
Start with 1 capsule per day and build up to a dose that you feel comfortable with. The capsule can be opened. Keep dark at room temperature.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of the reach of young children. A healthy lifestyle is important, as is a varied, balanced diet, for which nutritional supplements are no substitute.

Avoid this product if you are allergic to bees and / or bee products.


Co Enzym Q10 60 Caps

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It also contains Vitamin E.

Co Enzyme Q10 100 mg is a dietary supplement. It also contains Vitamin E.
E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Under the
"Additional Info" tab, you can find any allergens present and utilization advice.

In connection with the
new legislation that took effect December 14, 2012 has been adjusted to the product description of this product. We can unfortunately not tell everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by entering your email address. .
The product itself
has not changed, it still has the same high quality.

Extra informatie
De stof Co-enzym Q10 werd in 1957 ontdekt door Peter Dennis Mitchell. In 1978 kreeg hij de Nobelprijs voor de scheikunde voor zijn wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de betekenis van Q10 voor de energieproductie in het cellulaire systeem.

Co-enzym Q10 is een quinone, een lid van een groep cyclisch organische stoffen, waartoe ook vitamine K en Pau d’Arco behoren. De stof werd in eerste instantie ubiquinon genoemd, omdat het in de natuur ubiqitair (overal voorkomend) was. Het wordt in feite in alle levende wezens aangetroffen. Tegenwoordig wordt ubiquinon aangeduid met de term co-enzym Q10. Het is een co-enzym, omdat het enzymen helpt hun functie te vervullen. Daarnaast bestaat de chemische structuur van het molecuul Q10 uit een ring atomen (= cyclisch) met een “staart” van 10 dezelfde stukken. Deze kopstructuur van het molecuul wordt door scheikundigen quinone genoemd, vandaar de letter Q. De toevoeging 10 komt van de 10 gelijke stukken in de staart.

Co-enzym Q10 is in eerste instantie een co-enzym voor tenminste drie verschillende enzymen. Deze enzymen bevinden zich in de mitochondria en zijn betrokken bij de celademhaling. De mitochondria zijn die delen van de cel, die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de opwekking van ongeveer 95% van alle energie, die het lichaam nodig heeft. Co-enzym Q10 is daarbij van zo’n groot belang, dat bijna elke menselijke cel deze stof bevat. De concentratie varieert echter van cel tot cel. In de jaren ’60 ontdekten Japanse geleerden, dat de hartspier enorm veel Co-enzym Q10 bevat. Dit is goed te verklaren, omdat de hartspier bij elke hartslag moet werken en dus erg veel energie nodig heeft. Ook de lever, alvleesklier en de nieren bevatten veel co-enzym Q10. Daarnaast is Co-enzym Q10 ook een antioxidant, welke vrije radicalen wegvangt.

Co-enzym Q10 is een lichaamseigen stof. De lever is in staat de stof zelf aan te maken. Voor de synthese van Q10 zijn diverse vitamines nodig, zoals vitamine B2, B3, B5, B6, B11 en vitamine C. Daarnaast zijn ook een aantal sporenelementen van wezenlijk belang om een molecuul Co-enzym Q10 te maken. De grote hoeveelheid aan verschillende stoffen, die nodig zijn bij de vorming van het molecuul kan er voor zorgen dat bij een tekort aan nutriënten het lichaam niet die hoeveelheid kan aanmaken, die nodig is voor het optimaal functioneren van de lichaamscellen. Ook neemt het vermogen van de lever om Q10 te produceren naarmate men ouder wordt af. Co-enzym Q10 kan ook opgenomen worden via de voeding. De belangrijkste bronnen zijn sardines, spinazie, vlees, sojabonen en noten. Maar omdat onze hedendaagse voeding niet optimaal is krijgen we niet die hoeveelheid binnen, die nodig is. Een tekort aan Q10 in de cellen kan leiden tot vermoeidheid en vermindering van de vitaliteit en de weerstand.

De afgelopen jaren is er veel onderzoek gedaan naar de functie van Q10 bij hartaandoeningen. Patiënten met hartklachten hebben in 50 tot 75% van de gevallen een co-enzym Q10 tekort. Dit blijkt uit biopsies van het hartweefsel. Verder is gebleken, dat de ernst van het hartfalen samenhangt met de ernst van het tekort aan Q10. Dus hoe minder Q10 in de cellen, hoe ernstiger het hartfalen.

In recente studies is specifiek gekeken naar de effecten op de diastolische functie van het hart, die relatief vroeg vermindert bij aandoeningen zoals hartklepstoornissen, hartfunctieproblemen door een hoge bloeddruk e.d. De diastolische functie is afhankelijk van de ontspanning van het hart. Het kost het hart meer energie om zich met bloed te vullen, dan om het hart te legen. Als er te weinig energie is, dan kan het hart zich niet goed ontspannen en zich niet optimaal met bloed vullen. Na toediening van Co-enzym Q10 ontspant het hart beter waardoor de diastolische functie verbeterd wordt. Onderzoek in Duitsland, Japan en de USA demonstreerde dat Q10 een positief effect heeft bij hartfalen en dat de stof veilig is. Co-enzym Q10 zou ook kunnen helpen bij chronische vermoeidheid vanwege zijn rol in de energieproductie. Observatie heeft aangetoond, dat patiënten verbetering bemerkten vanaf 30 mg per dag. Bij een onderzoek naar het effect van Co-enzym Q10 op de ziekte van Parkinson bij patiënten, die nog geen medicijnen nodig hebben in een vroeg stadium van de ziekte, lijkt het de functionele achteruitgang te vertragen. Toediening van Q10 kan het verloop van de ziekte remmen, als het in een vroeg stadium ingezet wordt.

Co-enzym Q10 speelt een belangrijke rol in de energievoorziening van de lichaamscellen. Het is daarom van wezenlijk belang, dat we hier voldoende van produceren en binnenkrijgen via de voeding. Het kan daarom ook nodig zijn om Q10 te suppleren. Dit kan zijn bij een onvoldoende productie in het lichaam door bijvoorbeeld een nutriëntentekort of een toegenomen behoefte in de weefsels.

In te zetten bij de volgende indicaties:
- Vermoeidheid, lusteloosheid
- Na een hartinfarct, bij hartproblemen
- Bij verminderde pompfunctie van het hart
- Bij bloedend tandvlees
- Bij het gebruik van reguliere cholesterolremmers
- Ziekte van Parkinson
- Verminderde activiteit van spermacellen
- Verminderde vruchtbaarheid bij vrouwen 

Ingrediënten per aanbevolen dagdosering (=1 capsule):46% van de totale inhoud = co-enzym Q10 100 mg, vulmiddel (microkristallijne cellulose), gelatine (capsule),
d-alfa tocoferolsuccinaat (vitamine E adh 100%) 12 mg en anti-klontermiddel (colloidaal siliciumdioxide).

Plastic pot met verzegelde deksel.

Gebruik en bewaaradvies
1 maal daags 1 capsule voor of tijdens de maaltijd met water innemen voor 16.00 uur. Op kamertemperatuur donker bewaren.

6 gram.


Propolis Aqua 100 ml

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Propolis Aqua is a dietary supplement. Bees collect, among others, poplars, willows and fir trees brown-red nuggets of resin. This resin is processed into propolis by the bees. They cover the inside of their closet, basket or tree cavity and close the gaps and holes. This is the reason why propolis is also called kithars. It is the most important substance in the hive with regard to hygiene. The bees cover the fly hole with it, in order to protect the hive. The list of substances found in propolis is long and is getting longer, because research is still in full swing. It consists of between 10% and 70% of resin, 14% - 40% of wax, 2% - 10% of various oils and 3% - 25% insoluble substances. Substances that have been found include flavones, Vitamin E, various vitamins from the B complex, fatty acids, a number of trace elements, essential oils and enzymes. The liquid forms are used for internal and external purposes. Propolis Aqua is water-based, which is ideal for small children. The Propolis Tincture is alcohol based.


Under the 'Additional info' tab you can find any allergens present and the advice for use.

In connection with the new legislation that came into effect on December 14, 2012, the product description of this product has been adjusted. We unfortunately can not tell you everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by filling in your e-mail address. When you log into the site with your username and password, you will also find more information.
The product itself is not adapted, it still has the same high quality.

This is a dietary supplement. Ingredients: contains propolis concentrate 1:10 (10 ml extract on 100 ml finished product) according to the patented method. Propolis
Greit® 120, preservative (methyloxybenzoate sodium), filler (purified water and coloring agent (caramel).


Plastic bottle with sealed screw cap and dropper.
Use and storage advice
3 to 6 times a day take 10 to 20 drops with little water. Keep dark at room temperature.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of reach of young children. This product can not be used as a substitute for varied food.

Due to safety considerations, it can not be used during pregnancy and lactation. If you have never used it before, you should be cautious about it, because it can trigger an allergic reaction. Avoid this product if you are allergic to bees and / or bee products.

Propolis Forte 60 Caps

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The best quality available!

Propolis Polyphenol Forte is a dietary supplement.
It is a standardized propolis extract with Propolis ESIT12®.
It contains a highly concentrated extract based on 12% active polyphenols as galangine. This Propolis is standardized and that means that it ALWAYS has the same high concentrated quality, is free of added burdening antibiotics and meets the norms of, among other things, pak's.
It also contains a natural calcium carbonate and as a filler a naturally standardized rice concentrate NU-flow®.
Detailed information about this product can be found via the link; Propolis and bee pollen have been renewed.

Bees collect, among others, poplars, willows and fir trees brown-red nuggets of resin. This resin is processed into propolis by the bees. They cover the inside of their closet, basket or tree cavity and close the gaps and holes. This is the reason why propolis is also called kithars. It is the most important substance in the hive with regard to hygiene. The bees cover the fly hole with it, in order to protect the hive. The list of substances found in propolis is long and is getting longer, because research is still in full swing. It consists of between 10% and 70% of resin, 14% - 40% of wax, 2% - 10% of various oils and 3% - 25% insoluble substances. Substances that have been found include flavones, Vitamin E, various vitamins from the B complex, fatty acids, a number of trace elements, essential oils and enzymes. This product is also good to use in children.

Under the 'Additional info' tab you can find any allergens present and the advice for use.

In connection with the new legislation that came into effect on December 14, 2012, the product description of this product has been adjusted. We unfortunately can not tell you everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by filling in your e-mail address. When you log into the site with your username and password, you will also find more information.
The product itself is not adapted, it still has the same high quality

Detailed information about this product can be found via the link; Propolis and bee pollen have been renewed.
Bees collect, among others, poplars, willows and fir trees brown-red nuggets of resin. This resin is processed into propolis by the bees. They cover the inside of their closet, basket or tree cavity and close the gaps and holes. This is the reason why propolis is also called kithars. It is the most important substance in the hive with regard to hygiene. The bees cover the fly hole with it, in order to protect the hive. The list of substances found in propolis is long and is getting longer, because research is still in full swing. It consists of between 10% and 70% of resin, 14% - 40% of wax, 2% - 10% of various oils and 3% - 25% insoluble substances. Substances that have been found include flavones, Vitamin E, various vitamins from the B complex, fatty acids, a number of trace elements, essential oils and enzymes. This product is also good to use in children.

Under the 'Additional info' tab you can find any allergens present and the advice for use.

In connection with the new legislation that came into effect on December 14, 2012, the product description of this product has been adjusted. We unfortunately can not tell you everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by filling in your e-mail address. When you log into the site with your username and password, you will also find more information.
The product itself is not adapted, it still has the same high quality

This is a dietary supplement. Ingredients per recommended daily dose (= 2 capsules): Contains 300 mg propolis ESIT12® high concentrated extract with an efficacy of 1500 mg. Ingredients: calcium carbonate (natural mineral) 390 mg (adh 8.7%), Propolis ESIT12® 300 mg, filler (Nu-Flow® rice concentrate) 60 mg.

Plastic jar with sealed lid.

Use and storage advice
2 times daily 1 to 2 capsules with water during the meal. Keep dark at room temperature.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of reach of young children. This product can not be used as a substitute for varied food.

Do not use in pregnancy and lactation, this can provoke an allergic reaction. Avoid this product if you are allergic to bees and / or bee products.



Propolis Keelelier 250 ml

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Propolis Polyphenol Keelelixer - renewed!

Propolis Keelelixer is a dietary supplement.
It is a standardized propolis extract with Propolis GREIT® 120. It contains a highly concentrated alcoholic extract based on 50 mg / ml active polyphenols (HPLC-MS) as galangine. This Propolis is standardized and that means that it ALWAYS has the same high concentrated quality, is free of added burdening antibiotics and meets the norms of, among other things, pak's. This throat mixer also contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and promotes the absorption of iron in the blood. Vitamin C contributes as an antioxidant.

Propolis Keelelixer also contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and promotes the absorption of iron in the blood. Vitamin C contributes as an antioxidant.
Bees collect, among others, poplars, willows and fir trees brown-red nuggets of resin. This resin is processed into propolis by the bees. They cover the inside of their closet, basket or tree cavity and close the gaps and holes. This is the reason why propolis is also called kithars. It is the most important substance in the hive with regard to hygiene. The bees cover the fly hole with it, in order to protect the hive. The list of substances found in propolis is long and is getting longer, because research is still in full swing. It consists of between 10% and 70% of resin, 14% - 40% of wax, 2% - 10% of various oils and 3% - 25% insoluble substances. Substances that have been found include flavones, Vitamin E, various vitamins from the B complex, fatty acids, a number of trace elements, essential oils and enzymes.

Under the 'Additional info' tab you can find any allergens present and the advice for use.

In connection with the new legislation that came into effect on December 14, 2012, the product description of this product has been adjusted. We unfortunately can not tell you everything about this beautiful product. You can request additional information about this product by filling in your e-mail address. When you log into the site with your username and password, you will also find more information.
The product itself is not adapted, it still has the same high quality.

This is a dietary supplement. Ingredients per 20 ml: helenii radix conc., Liquiritiae rad. wet. conc., preservative (potassium sorbate), acidity regulator (citric acid), filler (purified water), droppoeder (liquiritiae success pulv.), vitamin C (as L-ascorbic acid) (adh 25%), contains propolis-concentrate of 1:10 (10 ml extract on 100 ml final product), mentholum naturale and caster sugar dark 3097.


Plastic bottle with sealed screw cap.
Use and storage advice
Take a measuring cap (= 20 ml) 2 to 4 times a day. Keep dark at room temperature.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of reach of young children. A healthy lifestyle is important, as is a varied, balanced diet, for which nutritional supplements are no substitute.


Contains licorice root. People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use. Do not use in pregnancy and lactation, this can provoke an allergic reaction. Avoid this product if you are allergic to bees and / or bee products.



IJzer Ultra Caps 60 pcs

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UltraFer® is a true innovation in the field of iron supplementation.

Iron Ultra capsules is a dietary supplement.
Iron has a positive influence on the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, plays an important role in mental exertion and activity, contributes to the process of cell renewal, contributes to normal energy management and has a positive influence on the immune system. Iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body.

UltraFer® micro-encapsulated ferric pyrophosphate is an elemental iron that directly reaches the blood stream, making the absorption of the iron compound constant.

Main advantage: NO OBSTIPATION.
So it does not affect bowel movements, especially important for pregnant women who often already have a difficult bowel movement.

The composition is a breakthrough in iron supplementation through the use of UltraFer® micro-encapsulated ferric pyrophosphate.

This is a recently developed and patented technique.

UltraFer® micro-encapsulated ferric pyrophosphate is an iron compound in a lipophyll jacket. This jacket protects the iron molecule in a double-layered complex of phospholipids and sucrose esters (sucrosomes). The absorption of the sucrosomes takes place in the small intestine by the M cells via transcytosis to the Peyer's patches (in which the macrophages are located) and then via the lymph system to the liver. The separation of this complex molecule with jacket takes place in the liver, where the double-layered complex is also broken down. The elemental iron then reaches the blood stream. The sucrose esters of fatty acids that are used have no relationship with sugars. They come from palm oil, a vegetable source. People with a sugar allergy or who are watching sugar can safely use the sucrosomial version.

What are the benefits of this:

This form of iron has an excellent tolerability, this is perhaps the most important advantage. NO OBSTIPATION!

Traditional iron supplementation often has an effect on bowel movements. That's pretty unpleasant. You therefore feel less fit. The advantage of this innovative iron supplementation compared to the traditional one is for all users, but certainly also for pregnant women who need extra iron.

The absorption of the iron compound is constant. It is not promoted one time by the presence of ascorbic acid or copper and the other times inhibited by polyphenols from coffee or tea and by calcium and phytic acid. The recording is constant, so you can dose accuracy. There is no need to add ascorbic acid or copper in the formula due to the sucrosomal technique.

The recording is very good. This is due to the good uptake of the molecule in its complex form (iron molecule with jacket), after which it comes to its active form in the liver.

UltraFer® does not color the mucous membranes and stool. At first, this seems unimportant. If you consider that colored stools present a risk of incorrect diagnoses when visiting a doctor, it is again an advantage.

The iron in this form does not react with other nutrients present in the intestines.
This ingredient is suitable for celiac disease patients, vegetarians.

As fillers you will find the product Nu-flow® which is a naturally standardized rice concentrate and the product Nu-rice®, which serve as filler and anti-caking agent.
Under the 'Additional info' tab you can find any allergens present and the user advice.


This is a dietary supplement. Ingredients per recommended daily dose (= 1 capsule):

Micro-encapsulated ferric Pyrophosfate 130 mg with 14 mg (100% RDA) elemental iron, gelatin (capsules), fillers (Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa) 293 mg and Nu-flow® rice concentrate 18 mg) and anti-caking agent (Nu-Rice® rice extract) 9 mg.


Plastic jar with sealed cap.

Use and storage advice

1 capsule per day. Pregnant women 2 capsules per day.

Store in a dark place at room temperature. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Keep out of reach of young children. A healthy lifestyle is important, as is a varied, balanced diet, for which dietary supplements are no substitute.


This ingredient is suitable for celiac patients and forgetful people.


60 capsules.


Allergen free.