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Since my childhood I discovered that I felt things. I am always been interested in the spiritual. In 1994 I came in contact with the work of Edgar Cayce. A seer who gave "readings" to people for diseases, complaints and other topics. I have followed all kinds of training (see courses).
This has brought me more in touch with who I really am. I am more aware in life and use my intuition and clairsentience to bring people closer to their self. The Hypnotherapy training (3 years) taught me to help people mentally. The Breathwork training at Kathleen Barratt in the u.s.a. brought me closer to the spiritual and taught me the power of breathing. The training at Mietek Wirkus Bioenergy in the u.s.a. taught me the power of the "self-healing" of our energy body. By now, I have the Master Level Training of Bioenergy completed. I love it to get people to treat, accompany and coaching on the most natural way with Bioenergy and Breathwork.
Jantsje Osinga
About 12 years ago I made an important change in my life. I decided to go do what really interested me. People helped me and guided me on my path. I got out of the life which I thought was working very well for me, into a completely new world of using my six senses.
Half a year of training as a Cayce/Reilly Massage therapist in Virginia Beach in the U.S.A. gave me the foundation for the work that I'm doing now. Everything that no longer worked for me I left behind. I worked on my inner self and my outer self and came back to the Netherlands with a pretty empty backpack. I descided to start my own business in 1999. My enthusiasm grew day by day. I did several workshops but I also learned to teach and work with groups for more than 5 years. I followed the workshops of Reasonance Healing given by Joy Messick from the U.S.A. and I am a Practioner and Teacher of Resonance Healing. I followed also the Classes of Bio-Energy with Mietek Wirkus from the U.S.A. and finished Master level Bio-energy recently.
Looking back all of this made me who I am today. A very proud Energy worker with enthousiastm. Working together with you on a problem or life-issue with all that I am carrying in my suitcase is the greatest challange in my life right now. I invite you to discovery your inner self!
Jan Osinga:
1998 Resonance Healing Practitioner (Joy Messick U.S.A.)
2001 Diploma Reïncarnatie- en Hypnotherapie (ATMA-instituut Amersfoort)
2005 Certificaat Anatomie, Fysiologie & Pathologie (Dutch Bodywork Academy)
2005 Restoritive Breathwork Training U.S.A. (Barratt Breathworks School U.S.A.)
2005 Basic Bioenergy Level Training U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)
2006 Advanced Bioenergy Level Training U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)
2006 Transpersonal Breathwork Training U.S.A. (Barratt Breathworks School U.S.A.)
2011 Master Bioenergy Level Training U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)
Jantsje Osinga:
1998 Resonance Healing Practitioner (Joy Messick U.S.A.)
1999 Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy (600 hour) U.S.A.
2000 TouchPro Practitioner (TouchPro)
2000 Kindermassage Training
2000 Docent Babymassage
2002 Resonance Healing Teacher Training (Joy Messick U.S.A.)
2006 Basic Bioenergy Level Training U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)
2007 Advanced Bioenergy Level Training U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)
2011 Master Bioenergy Level Traingin U.S.A. (Mietek Wirkus & Margaret Wirkus Bio-Relax U.S.A.)